Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Terrorism doesn’t support Terrorism:
A few days ago ISIS terrorist thugs detonated a suicide bomb in Faizabad, Afghanistan. This attack led to the deaths of 33 and the injuring of 125 innocent bystanders. This heinous act was so terrible that it was “even denounced by the murderous Taliban.”

Zabihullah Mujahid the Taliban spokesman said, “It was an evil act. We strongly condemn it.” This is a very powerful message, the fact that it is coming from yet another Terrorist group makes it even more potent. The Taliban states that they target foreigners or the Afghan military in their attacks, they are disgusted that ISIS avidly takes credit for killing groups of civilians.

Afghan President  Ashraf Ghani publicly spoke out against not only the cowardness of the ISIS attacks but also that it is “critical that the world understand[s] the terrible threat” that ISIS is to the rest of the world. Ghani even went to the length to reach out to the Taliban and asked them to join with the government in Kabul.

If ISIS has the ability to strike fear and disgust into the Taliban, should the United State be more concerned with them? If they are terrible enough to force the Taliban to “call jihad” on, should we take them more seriously as a threat?

It seems to me that the War on Terror has done little to calm the tension in the Middle East. Can our troops even help? Are we supporting a war that cannot be won?

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