Wednesday, March 25, 2015

“If Ignorance is bliss, then America must be a pleasure junkie, because we sure are chasing the dragon.”

First of all… wow.

National Foreign Language Week, hey lets say they pledge in each language for the days… great idea right?....

In Pine Bush, a school local to me in New York, there was an outrage when during “Afghanistan Day” the pledge was recited in Arabic. This caused complaints from a Jewish family according to the superintendent. First of all… in Afghanistan they speak mainly Dari or Pashto, so chalk one up for American Ignorance. Keep it up public education.

The great thing is that the pledge will not be heard in Italian, Spanish, Japanese or French. Which honestly, I would love to hear the legal action that could have been taken after those pledges, because I’m pretty sure these nations have some enemies as well.

The district actually had to apologize, which is just a great victory for ignorance isn’t it?

Isn’t it great where in modern-day American education is trumped by some hurt feelings over a language, that wasn’t even the correct language to use, uttered by people who have never hurt the family and used in a week promoting “international camaraderie.”  Wonderful.

The story even gets crazier when colleges come into the mix, so stayed tuned for the next blog:

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