Tuesday, April 21, 2015

“Women shouldn’t run for President”

Hilary Clinton: Secretary of State, New York State Senator, First Lady of the United States and Yale Law School Alum…. “should not run for the presidency.”

Personally, I love HilDawg, I think she is tenacious and has a good head on her shoulders. But Cheryl Rios, CEO of Go Ape Marketing, disagrees. Actually, she disagrees with the notion of any women attempting to run for the presidency. She continually said in her interview that is isn’t attempting to discourage powerful women or girls dreams, but it is in her own opinion “not a job for a women.”

Rios argues that: “ We’re built differently, we have different hormones…. I understand that there’s equal rights…. I don’t support a woman being president.”

This statement to me does seem inherently sexist, but maybe I am being too sensitive.  Oh, plus that fact that it came from a women, so does that make it not sexist off the bat?
 I’m sure if a woman made the same claim about a man that would not be sexist one bit. But imagine if a man said this about a woman?  Oh now that would be a step too far.

Rios went on to say that other female leaders that have been successful haven’t been at the same level as the President of the United States. She said the women have “their place”… I mean as long as no one makes a kitchen joke then I think we are all fine.