Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Our Longest War: Keep Counting

On Tuesday President Obama announced his decision to keep 9,800 US troops on Afghanistan soil. According to results that is “double what was previously planned…” Which sounds just dandy to me, we already have spent 14 years on this “mission” what’s another one right? But I digress.
Obama is hoping that the newly elected president Ashraf Ghani will be the “dependable counterpart” that we have been looking for in the region. After the settlement that the US had made last year, we had little to no choice than to accept President Ghani’s request for the remaining of US troops in Afghanistan.

After the extended trip that Ghani took to Camp David and the White House, it is clear that he is seemingly better than his predecessor President Karzai. The article stated “Where Karzai was erratic, Ghani seems calm. Where Karzai raged at civilian casualties in U.S. operations, Ghani pays deep and repeated homage to the sacrifices of U.S. troops.”  To me this means all the difference in the world. It is pleasant to see some camaraderie from out counterparts in the Middle East, to see some appreciation  for our hard fought efforts over sees.

Ghani even went to the lengths to thank the US taxpayers by saying, “I would also like to thank the American taxpayer for his and her hard-earned dollars…"

Obama did however say that the full withdrawal of US troops in 2016 is fully “not negotiable.” This also pleases me deeply, President Obama must stand firm in his promise to bring our troops home.

Even though Ghani does seem to be a step forward in Afghan leadership, it is far fetched to think he will solve all problems in the region. But it is hope.

Ghani has hard work to do, I do believe the US will be their to help him if need be. However, I hope the US will not hold his hand and keep our country as the crutch that it has been.

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