Thursday, March 12, 2015

The Early Bird Gets… Incarcerated?

Long hours, monotonous work and a decent living, these can describe a multitude of public service workers. But for an Atlanta sanitarian worker Kevin McGill, doing his job has bought himself some time behind bars.

According to a city ordinance in Sandy Springs, Georgia trash collection can only be done between the hours of 7 am and 7 pm. McGill was slammed with “automatic jail time” for working earlier than 7am. This offense was not met with a weekend or a night in jail, but 30 days. Yes… as absurd as it seems...Mr. McGill was sentenced to jail for 30 days with real criminals for violating a noise ordnance. Seems pretty harsh to me for being a dutiful worker. Fortunately, since this was Mr. McGill’s first offense he was let off easy this time…only two weeks in jail.  Hopefully he has learned his lesson and slacks-off when he goes back to work.

The saving grace was at least he was able to defend himself in court, right? … Well actually, not, because as he has said the solicitor “didn’t want to hear nothing I had to say.” Yet another great win for the court system. I feel a lot safer having Kevin “The Noisy Trash Man” McGill behind bars where he obviously belongs.

I hope my father doesn’t get thrown in jail next him his leaf blowers are too loud too early in the day, but I guess that’s how laws work now a days. Punishing hard workingmen and women for trying to do their jobs. I say we should start throwing lawyers in jail every time they lose a case, which would make sense, right?

All I can say is that I hope Mr. McGill gets back to his family quickly and safely. I also hope he learned his lesson about doing his job when its convenient to others.

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